Anatomy of a control decision - playing out the coup
Alex Vince talks about coups at megagames

After action report: S.P.I.E.S playtest
Jon Searle recounts his experience at a recent playtest of S.P.I.E.S. - a megagame-adjacent social deduction game.

It Belongs in a Museum - 13 July
It Belongs in a Museum will run on 13 July in Leeds - have you got your tickets yet?

Megagame survey results 2023 - Part 2
Rob Grayston has written up part 2 of the 2023 megagame survey results.

Megagame survey comments 2023
Check out the anonymous comments from the megagame survey results 2023.

Megagame survey results 2023 - Part 1
Rob Grayston has written up the 2023 megagame survey results, and while there’s a lot to unpack, it’s all in here.

A year in review: East Midlands Megagames
Rob Grayston from East Midlands Megagames sets out the group’s 2023 and what is coming in 2024.

Megagame Designer Thoughts: To Rail Is Worth Ambition
Matthew Wilde chats to Rob Grayston about his megagame ‘To Rail is Worth Ambition‘. A game all about laying rail tracks in Hell.

Behind the scenes of "The Generalissimo is Dead" - A megagame journey
Ciaran lets us know how he got the inspiration to create and run The Generalissimo is Dead - a megagame strongly inspired by the dark comedy Death of Stalin.

Megagame Designer Thoughts: Trapped in New Arkham
Ed interviews Kristian Mitchell-Dolby about Trapped in New Arkham. Can you survive the weirdness that’s going on?

A new designer's perspective
Taliesin is a new designer on the megagame scene and has some thoughts

Tea, biscuits and the apocalypse: Announcing Aftermath, the second game from Very Large Huge Games
This is your chance to help rebuild the country after the apocalypse. What will you do?

Wolves at the Con
Rob Grayston from East Midlands Megagames gives an insight to what Den of Wolves, coming up at UK Games Expo will be like.

Megagames at UK Games Expo 2023
Want to combine the biggest UK games convention with a megagame or two? You’ve come to the right place to learn more.

Megagame Designer Thoughts: Event Horizon
Rob interviews Johan Olofsson of Gothenburg Megagames about this Event Horizon megagame. Can you stand the horror that awaits you near Pluto…?

Megagame Designer Thoughts: Relics of the Fall
Rob Grayston chats to John Keyworth about his game - Relics of the Fall and why simplifying game mechanics is a good thing.

Serious games are good
Alex Vince writes about how serious games have a purpose at the heart of the British Government
How to run a megagame - part 7
In the final part of this series, Chris covers taking pictures of your game for promotional purposes, asking for help and the megagame merch possibilities.

How to run a megagame - part 6
In part 6 of our series on how to run a megagame, Chris explains where the real debrief happens, how to collect player’s feedback and organising your control team.

How to run a megagame - part 5
In part 5 of our series on how to run a megagame, Chris covers creating your components and checking the players into the venue.