Megagame Aftercare

Written by Melbourne Megagames for their audience, we think this translates to everyone, no matter where in the world you’re playing!

So you just played a megagame. Bet you feel a bit rough? So do we. We’ve put together a bit of a guide for how to take care of yourself coming out of a megagame.


“What Really Happened”: at the end of a megagame most games do a recap of what happened over the course of the day, and give everyone a chance to share their story. The purpose of this is to help everyone connect the dots, and a chance to talk about cool stuff that happened and wasn't visible to all players.

Feedback: most groups put up a feedback form for you to describe your experience and share your views on design and production.

Afterparty: after the game there will generally be a local venue to have some food and a drink, where you can get to know each other outside of the game and share experiences and feedback more casually.

Physical care

Food and Water: rehydrate your body by drinking plenty of water. Megagames are physically demanding, and staying hydrated will help in recovery. Plan ahead for food and pay attention to your body’s hunger cues.

Sore Throat Care: if you experience a sore throat from excessive talking (or yelling) during the megagame, soothe it by drinking warm water or tea with honey. Try and avoid irritants like spicy foods or acidic drinks.

Feet: give your feet some care! Soak them in warm water, stand on a tennis ball to roll them out, or just elevate them on your couch.

Shower: take a shower or bath to clean your body and relax your muscles. Use mild and soothing products to relax.

Sleep: prioritise rest and ensure you get sufficient sleep. Megagames can be mentally and physically exhausting, so allow yourself time to recover and rejuvenate.

Fresh Air: go touch grass!

Light Workout or Stretch: engage in light physical activity to hel loosen up your muscles and alleviate any stiffness. Listen to your body and perform exercises that feel comfortable for you.

Mental Care

Post-game Hangover: it's not uncommon to experience a post-game drop, often referred to as a "hangover." Understand that it's a natural response after an intense and emotionally engaging experience. Be patient with yourself and give yourself time to process the events.

Allow time to process: megagames can evoke a wide range of emotions. Give yourself time to reflect, and avoid rushing into immediate judgments or decisions.

Journaling: write down your thoughts and reflections about the megagame experience. Journaling can be therapeutic and help you make sense of your emotions. It's an opportunity to capture your memories and insights while they're still fresh.

Personal Space: consider whether you're the type of person who prefers solitude immediately after a game or if you tend to feel lonely and seek company. Respect your personal needs and create an environment that supports your emotional wellbeing.

Remember, aftercare is crucial for your overall wellbeing, and everyone's needs will differ. Feel free to tailor these guidelines to suit your individual preferences and circumstances. Take care of yourself, and if you need further support, don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or professional resources.

Happy recovering!

Do you have any ideas for recovering after a megagame? Let us know and we may add them to this article!