Organiser: Adelaide Megagames
Designers: James Archer and Justin Delaney
So Say We All is a megagame set in a fictional timeline where humanity has expanded across the stars, unified under the banner of the Republic of Earth and Her Colonies. The game follows a fleet of ships containing several thousand people that has escaped a vicious attack against a civilian planet, committed by a mysterious faction called the Ashiva. Little is known about them, but there are rumours that several high-ranking crew members across the fleet have been replaced with Ashiva infiltrators who are working in secret to sabotage the fleet and bring the last remnants of humanity to their end.
Players will take on the roles of the senior crew members of the various ships in the fleet fleeing the destruction of their home. Players will need to manage the Fleet’s limited resources, deal with emergency situations and fight to protect themselves against attacks by the mysterious and ever-pursuing Ashiva.
Some players may even be Ashiva infiltrators sent to spy on the fleet and sabotage vital resources. Infiltrators will act like regular crew members, but can use special resources to sabotage ships in the fleet, share information with their Ashiva handlers, and whatever other nefarious deeds they choose to hinder the human fleet.
Will the lost fleet be able to unite to fend off the relentless Ashiva and find their home? Or will suspicion and mistrust lead to the extinction of the last remnants of humanity?