Megagame ticket prices survey results
We ran our live podcast at the Megagame Coalition’s Online Megagame Conference (OMG Con) yesterday where we went through the results of the megagame ticket prices survey that we’ve been running for the past couple of weeks.
Thanks to everyone who listened in live and completed the survey — we got a total of 124 responses, which was fantastic! The podcast was recorded and is available on the Megagame Coalition’s YouTube channel and we’ve embedded it below too.
You check out the slides that we presented below:
A picture of ‘A World Divided’ run in London, UK by John Mizon from SW Megagames. It must have been a good day as everyone was smiling!
A polite warning. We aren’t pollsters and therefore the questions we asked might not have been right. With this understanding, let’s carry on!
124 responses and the majority had played 2 megagames on average in a non-Covid year.
A noisy slide, but the colours for the prices (for example £30, US$30, CA$30 are all in yellow) are the same across the next three slides. Unsurprisingly, the majority of players have paid £30 to play megagames in the UK.
What’ the most the respondents would pay to play a megagame? We think the answers may surprise you.
Final noisy slide, honest! The respondents let us know how much they would have paid had they never played a game before.
It seems most respondents would pay more if there was a better venue, components or they knew they’d be busy all day.
These two charts try to identify what would stop players paying more for tickets. Interestingly, players seem to say they will pay more if it helps cover a designer/organiser’s costs.
If you’d like to review the data yourself, please check the link to the CSV data file below. We’d love to see what folks come up with (we’re sure it’ll be better than our terrible statistical analysis…)
Finally, all the comments that respondents left are in the attached PDF file. There’s some really interesting comments in there, so check it out now!
What do you think of the survey results? Let us know on our Facebook group now!